‘Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth’
Many of the ‘authority struggles’ we have
witnessed over the years came into existence and endure because the truth of
the Word of God is either being ignored or those involved do not know of the
teaching of the Bible concerning these controversial subjects.
One of the most controversial subjects
that the devil is using to cause discord among the brethren is the worldly
music that is being used during worship. What is worldly music and what is
Godly music? Worldly music is any type
of music that does not exalt our Creator God i.e. rock ‘n roll, country, jazz etc.
Godly music is that which is acceptable as
worship in His presence according to the Scripture. Although many claim that
music is a personal thing and one can not dictate standards for anybody other
than themselves, the Word of God does in fact provide guidelines for music.
The Bible has within its pages certain
principles to provide guidance for us in our selection of music that is God
exalting. The first principle to be considered when dealing with anything that
is questionable is, does it offend a brother? Secondly, is it considered to be
worldly according to principles found in the Word of God? Third and most
important, if it passes the first and second test, is it God exalting?
Music that offends a brother, by reminding
them of their past sinful life for example, must not be used in the church. It
might be that one believer can worship the Lord to a certain type of music but
it is offensive to another, it, therefore, can not be used in public worship.
It is fine for private use as long as it does not violate a known principle in
the Word of God.
But, if it is worldly and emphasizes the
flesh by utilizing principles that are found in the present day rock ‘n roll
music such as the beat or bass tones being the dominant, driving and prominent
focus thereby appealing to the flesh, this music must be rejected and should
not be used to worship the Lord!
One preacher lists ten reasons
why the rock beat is evil:
It deceives youth into violating the fifth commandment:
‘Honor thy father and mother’ (Exodus
2. It
violates God’s command: ‘Neither give
place to the devil’ (Ephesians 4:27)
It mocks God’s command: ‘Love not the world’ (I John 2:15)
4. It
disregards God’s command: ‘Destroy not
the work of God’ (Romans 14:19-23)
It defies God’s command: ‘Discern both good and evil’ (Hebrews 5:14)
6. It
disobeys God’s command: ‘Abstain from all
appearance of evil’ (I Thessalonians 5:21,22)
7. It
denies God’s command: ‘I will not be
brought under the power of any’ (I Corinthians 6:12)
8. It
opposes God’s command: ‘What communion
hath light with darkness?’ (II Corinthians 6:14)
9. It
ignores God’s command for all ministers to be qualified: ‘Not a novice’ (I Timothy 3:6ff)
10. It
violates God’s command: ‘Therefore
glorify God in your body’ (I Corinthians 3:16,17, 6:19,20)
The three-fold test of Godly
music: “A threefold cord is not quickly
broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
1. Godly music must be pure: Test
the spirit 1. Who does it glorify?-God, the performer, the world’s
(I Jn 4:1)
philosophy, composer etc.
2. How does this music
reflect Biblical doctrine/Godly living?
3. Does this music violate your spirit in any way?
2. Godly music must be orderly: Test
the message-1. What mood or message is conveyed by the harmony?
(I Cor 14:33) 2. Does the
rhythm dominate the message?
3. Is the text accurate according to the Word of God?
4. Is entertainment or ministry the goal?
5. Does the performer imply
intimacy w/breathy lyrics?
3. Godly music must be edifying: Test
the fruit-1. Does the music refresh and invigorate the spirit?
(Heb 13:15 2. Does the music inspire/mind/invoke positive response
3. Does the music end on a note of praise/focus on God?
Godly music, resulting from the
indwelling Word, should teach and admonish the believer and bring blessing to
God according to Colossians 3:16:
‘Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and
admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with
grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Ephesians 5:19 shows similar
beneficial results to the saint while ministering to the Lord “Speaking to yourselves in song and hymns
and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”.
Here, in this passage, being filled/controlled by the Holy Spirit is the cause.
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