Three Focal Points for Personal Godliness/Gain/Contentment
Develop a
Lifestyle of Limits not Luxury:
* As an act of self-discipline and
as a means to loosen the hold of covetousness choose to do with less than you
can afford. Limit your spending on Luxury/ ‘stuff’ if it is not necessary to
your health, safety or well-being. Do you really need it? What can you afford? vs.. What do you go into debt for or really need?
* Read and study Hebrews 13:5, 6
and I Timothy 6:9, 10
Generosity, not Greed
* Step forward in faith and start
to give more than you think you can afford to the work of God.
As God provides more continue to
give more for no one can out-give God!
* Have faith in what God can do
in, through and for you when you put others needs first before
your own. Generosity can provide immunity
against Greed!
* Read and study II Corinthians
9:6-8 and I Timothy 6:17
your Eternal Spiritual Growth rather than your Temporal Net Worth
* Read, Study, Memorize and
Meditate on the Word of God. Then put into action what you have learned from
God’s instruction.
* Cultivate the desire to be in
God’s house when worship time is available to you-Every time the door is open
be sure to be in church. Choose to be a regular learner/disciple at church. You
must be where God’s Word is preached in order to grow in the Lord and have an
effective ministry to other Believers.
* Corporate worship is a must in
order for you to be blessed and be a blessing. Take the opportunity to
fellowship with other Believers in ministry work and church events. Decide to
help whenever and wherever you can. Attend fellowship retreats, conferences,
and evangelistic/revival meetings when they are available.
*Read and study Hebrews 10:24, 25
and James 1:21-25
*Spend more time on your Spiritual
Portfolio rather than your Financial Portfolio. Focus upon your eternal
retirement rather than your temporal retirement.
*One hell-bound man said when
told of the work of the Believer’s ministry: ‘Where’s the money in that kind of
work’ The Believer replied: ‘The money may not be the greatest but the benefits
are out of this world’ which led to a good salvation witness.
*Pray in all things. Pray
Learn to utilize and apply the five parts of prayer:
1. Praise:
Give credit to the Lord for His great glory, power and love for you
2. Thanksgiving:
Thank God for what He has done and is doing for you and your family
3. Intercession:
Pray for others. It is impossible to pray without ceasing unless you intercede
4. Petition:
Ask God to meet yours and others needs
5. Confession:
Agree with God and admit sinful actions and sins of omission
*Give of
your time, talent and treasure by cultivating a ministry of helping others
instead of trying to
your own pleasures
*Be sure to
witness to others. Make it your goal to witness to someone every day. Tell them
how the
Lord has
changed your life. Be ready always to give an answer to every man! (I Peter 3:15)
*Read and
study Matthew 6:32, 33, 28:18-20 and John 3:16
The Believer that gets a grip on these truths and practices
them early on in their walk with the Lord will not live to regret it…don’t wait
until you are a ‘Geezer’ to be Godly…for the Lord wants you to be blessed ASAP!
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