Monday, June 23, 2014

Spiritual Wealth of the Believer

Spiritual Wealth of the Believer (Ephesians 1-3)

1. He hath CHOSEN us in Him (1:3): Selected for Himself, Separated from the rest of mankind, Picked  out from among many.  Illustr: Abraham (Gen 12); Demoniac of Gadara (Mark 5); Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4)-All Gentiles

2. Having PREDESTINATED us (1:5): To appoint from the beginning, To foreordain, To decide beforehand (Rom 8:29)

3. The ADOPTION of children (1:5): The act of making us His children accomplished by His own will, giving the same relationship as the Israelites (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:5)

4. He hath made us ACCEPTED in the Beloved (1:6): To make graceful, charming, lovely, agreeable; To compass with blessing, favor by enduing with grace

5. In Whom we have REDEMPTION through His Blood (1:7): To buy back, ransom, liberate by paying a price He already owned us by creation, but we were sold into the slave market of sin through the transgression of Adam, He then purchased us w/His Blood!! (I Cor 1:30)

6. The FORGIVENESS of sins (1:7): Released from bondage, imprisonment and given remission of the penalty through the gift of repentance and through faith in His Blood (Lk 24:47; Rom 3:25))

7. Having made KNOWN unto us the mystery of His will (1:9):  He has given us the privilege to know the mystery of His will concerning His gathering together in one all things in Christ.

8. We have obtained an INHERITANCE (1:11): A portion allotted and given to the rightful heirs, those who are in Christ are joint-heirs with Him (Romans 8:17)

9. Ye were SEALED with that Holy Spirit of promise (1:13): To stamp permanently as a sign of ownership; To set a seal upon; To mark w/seal for security

10. The REDEMPTION OF THE PURCHASED POSSESSION (!:14): To keep safe, secure, to purchase for oneself and preserve for a future day, The guarantee of glorification/glorified body is given by the indwelling Holy Spirit's presence.

11. To have THE EYES OF OUR UNDERSTANDING ENLIGHTENED (1:18): The spiritual eyes of the heart illumined to experientially know: 1. What is the hope of His calling 2. What the riches of the glory of His inheritance  3. What is the exceeding greatness of His power-Illustration: (II Kings 6:17) Eyes of Elisha's servant opened

12. He hath QUICKENED us (2:5): To be made alive spiritually, To be energized with the life of God

13. He hath MADE US SIT TOGETHER IN HEAVENLY PLACES IN CHRIST JESUS (2:6): Our present position in the eyes of God is in heaven in Christ, just as Christ is in us here on earth, we are in Him in heaven!! (John 15:4)

14. We are His WORKMANSHIP created in Christ Jesus (2:10): His work of art, His poem
(Gk.for workmanship)

15. We are MADE NIGH by the Blood of Christ (2:13): To be brought near, to be ushered into the very presence of God before His heavenly throne i.e. ‘the throne of grace’ (Hebrews 4:16)

16. The Lord Jesus Christ is our PEACE (2:14-17): Peace is not the absence of outer turmoil, trial, tribulation, but the presence of inner rest in Christ Jesus (John 16:33). 'The peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus' (Phil 4:7)

17. For through Him we both have ACCESS unto the Father*(2:18): The act of bringing someone into the presence of an exalted dignitary or person of power, bringing a peasant into the King's court.
'We have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand' (Rom 5:2)
'In Whom we have boldness and access by the faith of Him w/confidence (Eph 3:12)

18. Now, therefore, ye are...FELLOWCITIZENS *(2:19): The reality of possessing citizenship the same as others who were natural born. The Gentiles brought into the same position as the Jew 

19. Ye also HABITATION OF GOD through the Spirit *(2:22): To be built together with others to make up the whole, All parts/pieces required to make up the entire Kingdom of God, God dwelling place in His saints

20. That the Gentiles should be FELLOWHEIRS (3:6): To be joint participants in the blessing of the Jews 'Heirs together of the grace of life' (I Peter 3:7)

21. That the Gentiles should be...PARTAKERS OF THE PROMISES (3:6): To be joint participants of the O.T. promises of the Jews

22. We take part in God's ETERNAL PURPOSE (3:9-11): God demonstrates to the principalities and powers in heavenly places His wisdom BY THE CHURCH, through Meditation on the Word, Spirit-led Prayer, Preaching of the Word, Witnessing with the Word and Winning of the Lost.

23. We have BOLDNESS, and ACCESS, with CONFIDENCE by the faith of Him (3:12): God gives a Fearless Confidence, Freedom to speak the Word, Courage with Cheerfulness, and a Christ-like Assurance to His children.

24. That He would grant you according to the RICHES OF HIS GLORY (3:16-19): Supernatural Spiritual Strength, The Knowledge of the Indwelling Presence of Christ, Being Rooted and Grounded in THE LOVE, Supernatural Comprehension, to experientially KNOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST, that ye might be filled with all the FULLNESS OF GOD!! 

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