‘The Untouchable’ Part II
Job’s second
encounter with Satan opens in chapter two much like the first chapter except
now the Lord adds another descriptive character trait which reflects on Job’s
previous victory over Satan’s first onslaught. Yes, Job came through the first
attack with flying colors. When Satan destroyed all of his belongings and even
took the lives of his children, Job’s response of full dedication to God,
regardless of his catastrophic losses, was firmly displayed.
He demonstrated
this dedication to God both in action and word: ‘Then Job arose and rent his
mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground and worshipped, And
said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither:
the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.
In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly. (Job 1:20-22)
It was because of
this first victory over the devil that the LORD added the fifth descriptive
statement about Job’s character. He said, in addition to the first four traits
discussed in Part I, ‘And still he holdeth fast his integrity although thou
moved Me against him, to destroy him without cause.’
The LORD here
reveals to us the proper response when under Satan’s attack. Job stuck by his
innocence, he knew that there were no personal grounds for these fierce and
destructive assaults on his wealth and family, his conscience was clear and his
response was one of Godliness knowing that God was in control regardless!
But now Satan’s assault was intensified as
God gave him more opportunity to afflict His honorable servant as described in
v.4-6: ‘And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a
man hath will he give for his life. But
put forth Thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse
Thee to Thy face. And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.’
The health of
Job, intense physical suffering, now became the focus of Satan’s unrelenting
attack on this God’s servant. And, it is at a time like this we must remember
four great truths that should control our thinking and our actions.
Number one, God
loves you! Nothing that comes your way will come except it is filtered through
the loving hands of our Almighty God!
Secondly, God is in control. Yes we too can say with Job ‘Though He slay me yet
will I trust Him’ because we know He holds the beginning and the end of our
life and all trials and tests He allows are for our good…that we might bring
Him the maximum glory!
The third and
maybe the most important is the fact that God desires to deepen our faith, yes,
unless our faith continues to be deepened we can not continue to bring Him
maximum glory and therefore we can not receive maximum eternal reward.
The last truth is
one that is hard to stomach but Job had to swallow this one too and that is the
LORD does not owe us an answer to the
question of WHY?…WHY ME??…WHY did all this have to happen to me???…God is God
and that’s it!
How can we mere
mortals understand all the ramifications of the spiritual battle, the struggle
that has gone on for ages between Satan and God? It is not for us to understand
in detail or depth, but we must be willing participants, yielded to God’s will
regardless…’Nevertheless not what I will, but what Thou wilt’(Mark 14:36) Jesus
said when He faced the most intensive spiritual assault and suffering ever,
taking on Himself the sins of the whole world!
It is for us to
yield to God’s working as He continues to make us Christ-like, fulfilling His
goal for us and thereby providing us with joy unspeakable in the present and
great reward in heaven for eternity!
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