Thursday, June 26, 2014

Rules for Restoration-"He that is spiritual"

Rules for Restoration

“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” (Galatians 6:10)

     After giving one of the most detailed passages on the battle between the flesh and the Spirit, Paul begins a short but very pointed application section directed to those “Brethren…which are spiritual”.  The “man overtaken in a fault” is a believer who is fallen into a specific sin or transgression which may be caused by the “flesh” controlling their appetites and subsequently their will instead of the Holy Spirit.

     He calls upon those who are spiritual or those who are controlled by the Spirit and will apply the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit to address the situation at hand. There is a believer who is “overtaken” which is a compound Greek word used only here in the N.T. indicating the transgression had completely taken over their life.

     Paul tells those who walk in the Spirit to “restore” which means to put in order, to mend, to make complete the believer who has fallen into this controlling sin pattern or transgression.  He includes the manner in which this restoration must take place, “in the spirit of meekness” which focuses upon gentleness, humility and compassionate, loving consideration.

     In addition Paul gives an admonition to those who are spiritual telling them that they must take into consideration when dealing with sin there is the possibility that they could also be tempted or drawn into the trap of allowing temptation to turn into a situation where the sin of the one who has fallen effects the one who is attempting to provide restoration.

     The key phrase in this verse is “ye which are spiritual”. Those who walk in the Spirit and consistently apply the wisdom of God through the Holy Spirit of God are exactly who are indicated here. Therefore, if the sin is dealt with according to Scripture the plan must be found in the Word of God to bring this one back into fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

     In recent days the Lord has brought a believer to me who is dealing with a very complex family situation involving his wife, his sons and their wives. They are all believers, but, his wife has been dealing with multiple issues which has caused her life to be completely overtake by certain sinful habits which have completely deadened her relationship with the Lord.

     Therefore, the usual blessings of family fellowship in the Lord have been hindered greatly as she refuses to acknowledge, confess and repent of her sin which in turn causes serious conflicts throughout the extended family. She is in great need of restoration to fellowship, but all outward appearances look very bleak…but God looks on the heart…with God nothing is impossible…have faith in God the Scripture admonishes!! The inward man in tune with God is unstoppable!!

     He has the solution and it is found in His Word! Application of His power through “ye that are spiritual” is how He can and will accomplish miracles. The first step is to determine the source of her sin. Is it her desires for the world? Is it her lust of the flesh? Or, is it the wiles of the devil? Which enemy are we dealing with must be answered before accurate application of the Word of God can be accomplished! But first the heart of the spiritual must be examined and prepared for battle.

     What did Jesus do when confronted with those who had tortured and crucified Him? He simply said: “Father forgive them for they not what they do.” If the one who is spiritual does not completely forgive the offender there will never be any power from God applied in their life. The unconditional love of Christ must be the driving force for (the) love never fails!

     In order to restore someone there first must be the “spirit of meekness”, the spirit of controlled strength, controlled by the Holy Spirit of God. Unless there is this humble, meek, compassionate and loving spirit controlling the one who is attempting restoration there will never be any progress.

     Until we clearly see with the Holy Spirit’s eye, the struggle, the situation, the bondage of the one who is overtaken, understanding the empty and miserable life that they are leading and apply the compassionate love of Christ toward them there will be nothing accomplished for the glory of God. This can only be accomplished through soul-rending prayer for the fallen!!

     Then, we must discern who is the specific enemy and exactly how to successfully attack with the full force of the power of God. In the situation mentioned above it was clear from the husband that we are dealing with the real possibility of the devil’s working in his wife’s life. So, we decided to utilize God’s whole armor which must be applied daily with soul-rending prayer!

    When the Lord gave the armor in Ephesians 6:10-18 He gave us five defensive pieces of armor and two offensive weapons, the Word of God and prayer. While all are necessary for successful spiritual warfare it is the Word of God and Spirit-filled prayer for the fallen believer that are the keys to victory for the Spirit feeds off of the precious and miraculous Word of God.

    This is where the victory is found. Holy Spirit led prayer by “ye that are spiritual” will supply the Lord with the ability  to send avenues of grace to the one who is held captive by the devil at his own will. (II Timothy 2:24-26). This passage of Scripture must be clearly understood:
“And the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient (forbearing), In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves: if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth: And that they may recover themselves out of the snare (trap) of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will.”

    When a believer “opposes themself” by resisting the clear and certain authority of God they will lay themselves open to the binding control of the devil himself!! The grammar in these verses teach that the one overtaken and held captive must have outside assistance in order to be freed from the devil’s trap…”Ye that are spiritual”!

     So, the recommendation to the believer with the complex family issues was clear. If he and his family are willing to prayerfully as a group apply the principles of the above specific warfare passages in the Bible they can have faith in God that He will do exceeding abundantly above all that they ask or think…according to the power that works within them…that is the supernatural power of God found in His indwelling Holy Spirit empowered through His Word!!

Eight Recommendations for Restoration:
  1. Must be initiated by “ye that are spiritual/Spirit-filled”
  2. Full forgiveness for past offences must be at the forefront
  3. Spirit of meekness energized by and bathed in (the) love of Christ which never fails
  4. Recognize: “We wrestle not against flesh and blood” [Your wife, mother, mother-in-law is not the enemy]
  5. Recognize: If you are aware of a problem in another believer’s life you are obligated by the law of Christ to restore
  6. Recognize: Spiritual warfare can only be victorious in the power of the Holy Spirit energized by the Word of God
  7. Recommendation: Memorize both passages Ephesians 6:10-18 and II Timothy 2:24-26
  8. Realize: Your faith in God by expecting Him to get the victory and all the glory will bring His will to pass

     Are you facing a situation that calls for your participation in the restoration of another believer? The very first step is to give the whole situation to the Lord and allow His love for the one who is overtaken in a fault to be the guiding emphasis. Because He loves the one who is overtaken, we as His servants must emulate His actions. When He was offended He forgave…first!

    Secondly, He became through His sacrifice on the Cross our Great High Priest. He is now continually interceding on our behalf before the throne of God in heaven. Therefore, we as believer-priests unto God must also take this same position and pray for the one who has fallen allowing the Lord to intervene pouring out His avenues of grace toward this one who is overtaken.

    The third action on our part is confident expectation that He will get the desired result. Regardless of what it takes on our part we must understand that whatever we do to further the kingdom of God it is the Lord’s job to take care of the consequences and the results.

     This attitude of expectation based upon the promises of God is in essence our faith in His ability to answer our prayers on behalf of the one who is overtaken. Remember, without faith it is impossible to please God and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. So, the central focus in restoration must be the application of the all-powerful Word of God!

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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