Thursday, June 26, 2014

Lessons from a Madman

Lessons from a Madman"

The amazing record of the miraculous conversion of one solitary man found in Mark 5:1-20 provides multiple truths to the Twenty First Century Christian. This story greatly illuminates the loving, compassionate heart of Jesus, who went to the distant Gentile shore of Lake Galilee to deliver a maniac from the ruthless clutches of a "legion of demons". Yes, a multitude of Satan's emissaries held this man captive causing certain attitudes and actions that can be seen in present day men and women who also are influenced/possessed of the devil just as this maniac of long ago.

Jesus' bold and unusual rescue of this one man might be one of the most profound miracles of His earthly ministry. Bold because He went to the distant, barren, wilderness-like Gentile shore of Galilee which is bordered by a rugged shoreline of cliffs where the dead were buried in natural caves used as tombs. Bold because of the demeanor, dress, attitude and actions of this maniac who rushed "out of the tombs" naked, crying out, and bleeding from his self-inflicted wounds. The boldness of Jesus the Blessed Son of God who was fully man, God in the flesh, was certainly evident.

Unusual because of Jesus' special trip into Gentile territory for the saving of this one solitary soul. When accomplished, He immediately boarded the ship and returned to His familiar area of ministry in the land of Israel. Unusual because Jesus demonstrates His omniscience openly when He, the Creator, seeks out His "creature", this miserable, demon possessed madman, on a mission of mercy for this one single soul!  Unusual, because Jesus reveals His miraculous power over the past events of this man's horrid demon possession, delivering him who once could only cry out and cut himself with stones, a man truly spiritually and physically tortured by the devil!

The life and lessons of this maniac can be divided up into three areas: First, through much of his past he is Struggling with Satan. Mark's record of this man's struggle is the most complete although Matthew 8 and Luke 8 add certain significant details. His struggle with the "legion" or multitude of demons includes the full range of the devil's influence and is typical of his influence over men and women of today.

The first attitude/action seen is his affinity for death/the dead or departed spirits. In his demon-possessed condition he is comfortable living in the very tombs of the dead. In todays rock culture this same attitude/action is evident. Death, suicide, and the things related to this morbid subject are very popular with those associated with certain types of rock music. "Death Rock" abounds in the sub-cultures of those who are influenced and possessed of the devil. It is not an unusual occurrence to hear of those who supposedly commune with the spirits of the dead just as the "witch of Endor" brought up Samuel for Saul in I Samuel 28:3-20. Although this wicked Satanic activity is found written in the Scripture it is soundly condemned and forbidden by God. (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:31,20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10)

The second attitude/action shown by this maniac was his unusual strength. "No man could bind him, no, not with chains. Because he had often been bound with fetters (manacles, hand-cuffs) and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him."(v.4)  This unusual, supernatural strength was not generated by him alone, no, it was the supernatural power of one who was given over to full demonic possession. This, too, can be found among those today who give themselves to the devil for his use. The devil has power to duplicate many of the miracles wrought by God. Just as Samson broke the "fetters of brass" by the supernatural power of God (Judges 16:21) this madman employed the supernatural power of Satan to do the same.

When ministering in a prison during my years in Bible school, I personally encountered a former wizard, a male witch, who had been saved just a few weeks earlier. His account of casting spells and exerting influence over people were testimony to Satan's power. After his salvation in prison many of his former followers tried to get control of his Satanic paraphanalia, robe, jewels, spell-casting literature etc. but, he wisely destroyed all that pertained to his past Satanic activity. The supernatural power of the devil must not be viewed as something from the past and not really relevant in our present day for this devaluating emphasis is the very work of Satan himself!

The third action of this demoniac is his continual "crying" (v.5). This refers to animal-like screams, shouting and yelling with unearthly noises induced by his spiritual tormentors. This type of conduct is also manifested by those today who are saturated with the devil's drugs, alcohol, and music. I can give personal testimony to this as I too was rescued by Jesus out of a lifestyle that included much of what is written in this passage. This screaming and crying out is not unusual among those who are addicted to the torturous master and his mind-altering substances, the devil himself!  Expressing their anger and rage, their frustations, their uncontrollable desires with such outbursts is not "out of the ordinary" in the surroundings of those who are controlled by the devil’s  wicked spirit!

Next, the demoniac was "always, night and day...cutting himself with stones"(v.5). Self-inflicted wounds is common among many of todays young people who are influenced with the devil's way of thinking. The ultimate self-inflicted wound is suicide which today, is the number one killer among teens in the U.S.A.! Self-inflicted wounds are seen in Elijah's day as a way of appeasing Baal, the Satanic god of his time (I Kings 18:28), so this type of conduct should not be thought of as unusual in our day if one gives himself over to worshipping the devil by bringing themself under his influence through music, drugs or any other substance. So who is being appeased, worshipped and exalted when someone commits suicide? Who? It's Satan himself who is worshipped, and he glories in this not too uncommon waste of God's gift of life!

The maniac continues in his demonic conduct when "he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him, And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with Thee, Jesus thou Son of the Most High God? I adjure Thee by God, that Thou torment me not."(v.7)  In this instance his schizophrenic or split personality was demonstrated when at one moment he bowed down and worshipped Jesus, and the next moment he adjured Jesus and made the demonic statement "What have I to do with Thee". This double-mindedness or schizophrenia is common with someone who is controlled by Satan. Wanting in his own mind to worship Jesus, but the demon speaking out of him claims no part of the Son of God! 

This condition is diagnosed every day in psychiatry and psychology as a "mental disorder" or "mental illness" or an "emotional problem". But, in many cases that are relegated to mental institutions the real diagnosis is demonic possession!  Satan rules in the majority of these so called institutions where men, women and children are bound physically and spiritually by the "Father of lies", the devil himself. This demoniac in Mark 5 would have been committed to one of the government mental institutions if he lived in the Twenty-first century, and today they are filled with people just like him, people that Jesus could rescue if only He was given the opportunity.

Well, let us look at this man's final demonic trait, immoral conduct, yes, this man literally ran around the countryside naked!  Luke 8:27 tells us he "ware no clothes". This too is an illustration of demonic influence, and so too we see in today's society the desire to uncover the body. We must recognize who is at the root of this type of forbidden activity. The children of Israel when Moses was receiving the Ten Commandments fell into idol worship of the Golden Calf, but, they also were involved in an orgy-like atmosphere involving open nakedness, which is the direct result of demonic influence.(Exodus 32:25)

The open attitude of immorality certainly has reached epidemic proportions in our own country during the last few decades. What you had to pay to see illegally behind closed doors twenty years ago is now flaunted openly in the streets of America, a certain sign of the coming judgment upon this country much like the great wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day that God's judgment fell upon them!

The second area of this maniac's life is his Surrendering to the Saviour. In the midst of his suffering Jesus comes on the scene and the maniac is afforded by the grace of God a moment in time when he is able to fall down before Jesus and worship Him recognizing He was his only hope. Jesus commanded the demons to come out of him and the struggle for his soul continued when the demons bartered with Jesus concerning their next location or residence. He allowed them to enter into the swine and the rest is history!

Concerning the maniac's salvation, the Scripture says: "But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped Him"(v.6).  His recognition of Jesus is clear, his response of worship, surrendering himself to Jesus is obvious. The outcome of his surrender is a completely changed man! The one that was possesed with the devil is now "sitting and clothed and in his right mind"(v.15).

The complete change is overwhelming! This is the perfect picture of salvation according to the Bible!  II Corinthians 5:17 tells us: "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new." This maniac, this madman is immediately turned into a missionary for Christ!  All things became new! What a transformation! Nowhere in the New Testament is such a complete turning around, such a wholesale change, the miraculous transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ seen except for possibly the conversion of the Apostle Paul in Acts 9.

And now the final act of this man's Biblical history gives us the example we all must imitate. His only request was "that he might be with Jesus". If only we had this same desire to be with the Saviour continually.  This introduces the last area of the former maniac's life when he is seen Submitting Self for Service. He now becomes the successful missionary. Jesus told him to "Go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and hath had compassion on thee."(v.19) 

Obedience was his simple response. No argument, he just "departed and began to publish in Decapolis (ten cities) how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel."(v.20)  Jesus was Lord of his life!  He submits himself to serve the Living Saviour, his testimony was more powerful, more fruitful for the Kingdom of God than being physically with Jesus could ever be!  His testimony ministry in those ten cities that knew of his former condition was more powerful than any time he would have spent in the physical presence of Jesus, and Jesus Who is God in the flesh knew what the outcome would be if only this formerly uncontrollable maniac would obey His simple command, and obey he did!

Simple childlike obedience gave this new creature in Christ a powerful testimony ministry! Are you saved? The most valuable thing you own is your testimony! You too could have a powerful testimony ministry if you obey the simple principles seen in his response to the Lord:
1. Demonstrate a changed life [Sitting, clothed, in his right mind] (v.15)
2. Desire to be with Jesus (v.18)
3. Go to those who knew you (v.19)
4. Emphasize Jesus’ Compassion (v.19)
5. Simply Obey His Voice (v.20) 
6. Speak the Word (v.20)  
7. Glorify the Lord Jesus (v.20)   
                                                                                  ALL WILL MARVEL!!

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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