Thursday, June 26, 2014

Open Rebuke is Better Than Secret Love (Proverbs 27:5)

 'Open Rebuke is Better Than Secret Love' (Proverbs 27:5)

     Recently, when confronted by a saint of the Lord who was in the throes of struggling with the enemies of the soul, the world, the flesh and the devil, my immediate response was to apply firmly the Truth of the Word of God to him in the spirit of love. However, my words were not well received as they were to the point with a bold and somewhat blunt delivery in an attempt to convince this brother in Christ of the Truth and awaken him to the realization that his actions were not in obedience to the principles of Scripture.

     Paul must have experienced a somewhat similar situation when he was forced by the Spirit to confront his beloved brother in the faith, Peter, when Peter's conduct revealed that he was not in obedience to the Word of God. Paul's open rebuke was deemed necessary to correct and warn Peter of his disobedience.
(Galatians 2:11-14)

     This rebuke, given to someone that I truly love in the Lord was not the easiest thing to do, no, it would have been much easier to remain silent and let him go on his way, continuing in darkness to the Truth of the Word of God. But, as this particular situation is examined in light of the Word of God and seasoned with a few weeks in time, I now fully realize that this beloved brother in the faith was and still is in a conflict that rages in the souls of many of us who have not gotten the victory over the three enemies of the born again Christian. Seeing this good man being tossed about by his inner struggle with these formidable foes, which can only be fought effectively by applying the principles of Scripture, I was at first troubled and confused by his conduct which had changed drastically in just the past few months due to a traumatic event that had occurred in his life.

     Because of this event, he experienced a personal spiritual revival due to his close brush with death and his renewed commitment to serve the Lord. But now, he was face to face with the struggle all saints experience when entering the spiritual battle we all must fight if we try to win and influence souls for the Lord Jesus Christ. The struggle was heightened by the fact that he did not realize what was and is now going on in his soul, but the change that occurred in him was obvious to all, especially those who know him best.

     The remedy for him and for us all who are born again is the same, and we all need it to varying degrees depending on where we are in our walk with the Lord. Some of us allow the desires of the world to control us, others of us yield to the flesh and the war with the Spirit that lives within us rages on with great intensity to the degree that we yield ourselves to sin.

     Then there is the final and most vicious enemy of our soul, the devil and his demons whose attacks grow with intensity the nearer we come to the end of the age! Yes, we are in a mighty spiritual struggle for the souls of lost men and each of us who claim the name of Christ are the battlefield, so we therefore must put the 'Whole armor of God' on in order to see victory for ourselves and souls won and influenced for the King of kings and Lord of lords! So, if we want to be effective in ministering to a brother or sister in Christ who too is in this great eternal conflict, the first thing we must do is pray for them, yes, do as the Lord Jesus Christ is now doing, intercede for them first of all.

    Then, if the Lord leads you, only after you have interceded mightily before the Throne of Grace, you may have to apply the principle found in Proverbs 27:5 and administer an 'Open rebuke', for it is better than 'Secret love' for secret love just allows the situation to go on as it is, with the brother muddling on in darkness to the reality of his spiritual condition. However, we must realize through it all, the most important thing the Lord desires is restoration of fellowship for this one for whom He died and shed His precious Blood on the Cross of Calvary! He is the Divine Director of our efforts to give help if we will allow Him to lead us by His Spirit, for His great love for each of His own outweighs the consequences and ministers to both the one who is giving and the other who is receiving.

     Therefore, pray on, and on, and on, interceding for all saints, at all times, in all kinds of ways with all perseverance...after we ourselves have put on the armor for the continuing battle in our own soul as we seek to serve the Lord Jesus Christ...that He may receive the glory and honor that He alone deserves.

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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