Thursday, June 26, 2014

Daily Discipline for Doers of the Word/Work

Daily Discipline for Doers of the Word/Work

     Arise with the wonderful Name of Jesus on your lips, go to the powerful Person of Jesus at first opportunity, immediately, enter into His Kingdom by faith! Begin with CONSUMING (Jeremiah 15:16) the Living Word of God through meditation on the Word of God (Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2) utilizing the weekly memory verse chosen from your 'Scripture Memory Partner Plan' and immerse your entire being in the Word of God reading from your read through the Bible in a year 'Bible Reading Schedule'  (II Timothy 2:15).

     This will CONDITION your mind for COMMUNION with the Lord by His Spirit giving opportunity for CASTING down every imagination and bringing every thought into the obedience of Christ by CORRECTING every errant thought and impulse of the flesh or your spirit, dying daily, crucifying the flesh, taking up your cross, following Jesus, putting on the Lord Jesus Christ, putting on the whole armor of God, putting on the new man, putting on THE LOVE, putting on the breastplate of faith, bringing your entire being under the full CONTROL of the Holy Spirit by faith through simple step by step child-like obedience!

     This one on one COMMUNION with the Lord by His Spirit establishes the abiding relationship which is commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ in John 15:4. Unless we continue to abide in Him moment by moment throughout the day by faith, unless we remain connected to the Vine, and here is the key, it's all by faith through child-like obedience, we will operate in our own strength, receiving the consequences and rewards of the flesh!

     However, if we take the time to establish this most necessary one on one COMMUNION with the Lord by His Spirit at the very beginning of the day we can indeed walk by faith expecting Him to do what He said He would do (II Samuel 7:25) and He will ‘Do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think' for HE IS ABLE (Philippians 3:20, 21).

     This COMMUNION with the Lord must also be Disciplined when praying for specific people including the servants, saints and sinners alike. By utilizing the 'Practicing Priest unto God' (I Peter 2:5, 9) prayer booklet you can become Disciplined in your praying and memorize specific prayers from the Bible at the same time, while you pray these powerful prayers by learning to pray according to Scripture.

     This booklet will assist you in recording specific names in specific categories, receiving and rejoicing in specific answers to prayer for those designated in the 'Practicing Priest unto God' prayer booklet. This tool can be used effectively to direct and lead you by the Spirit for increased ability to bring 'Souls for Jesus' into His Kingdom!! If we expect to be led by the Spirit to do the work of the Ministry which includes edifying the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12ff) and evangelizing the lost, then we must be CONFORMING to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29) by allowing Him to walk in us by faith.

     As we enter into the Kingdom of the King of kings and experience His working all around us through His Word by His Spirit, circumstances will unfold with moment by moment accuracy as we utilize:
‘ The eyes of our understanding...that we might know what is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places' (Ephesians 1:18-20) when our spiritual eyes are opened by the Lord the Spirit! It is this miraculous illumination of the Word by the Spirit that provides us with the supernatural guidance of the Lord throughout our day.

     However, if we fail to engage in Spirit-led COMMUNION through a step by step DAILY DISCIPLINE we forfeit the opportunity to 'Walk With The King and Be a Blessing' to those who are saved, first of all, and then through this love for the brethren, and the joy we experience through ministering to those of like precious faith, we receive the peace of God which passes all understanding which provides us with the moment by moment Voice of the Spirit of the Lord!

     This is the blessed pattern the King our Saviour, the True Vine Himself taught in His private ministry to the eleven the night before His triumphant suffering on the Cross. This is what draws the sinner to the saint! When we demonstrate THE LOVE!! When we are revived 'The Spirit Himself bears witness that we are the sons of God'...and the lost man will be one of the first to notice it...Amen?

     Yes, it was and is THE LOVE which He demonstrated and gave to us by His Spirit (John 13:34-15:10) which supplied THE JOY (John 15:11-16:1) we need to effectively minister to saint and sinner alike in the midst of persecution by the world, which in turn provides THE PEACE of God which the Lord Jesus supplies (John 16:2-33) and He amply bestowed upon His own during His post resurrection ministry.

     This necessary PEACE for the saints (John 19:20, 21, 26), and the things concerning the King (Luke 24:27), are in essence the focus of His Kingdom (Acts 1:3) preaching during the forty days He spent on earth, providing us with a glimpse of what His Second Coming will be like as He ascended to the Father in His glorified body and returned with this message of PEACE!!

     We can know Him 'Who is our PEACE' (Ephesians 2:14) experientially as we are Daily Disciplined, entering into His Kingdom, COMMUNING with the King, step by step, moment by moment and be 'Doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving our own selves' (James 1:22-25). Enter in RIGHT NOW and allow the King to live out His life through you and minister to those He leads your way today (Galatians 2:20)!

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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