Eight Specific Authority
Structures/Principles of the New
I. Submitting Yourselves One to Another in
the Fear of God (I Peter 5:5)
A. Filled with the Spirit (Ephesians
B. Clothed with humility (I Peter 5:5)
II. Wives Submitting to Husbands (5)
New Testament Occurrences
A. Filled with the Spirit (Ephesians
B. Filled with the Word (Colossians
C. Chaste conversation coupled with
fear (I Peter 3:1ff)
D. A meek and quiet spirit (I Peter
Sober, loving, discreet, chaste, good (Titus 2:4ff)
III. Children
obey your parents (Ephesians 6:1)
A. Filled with the Spirit (Ephesians
5:18, 19)
B. Honor thy father and mother
(Ephesians 6:2)
IV. Servants
be obedient to them that are your masters (3) New Testament Occurrences
A. Filled with the Spirit (Ephesians
B. Filled with the Word (Colossians
C. With all fear (I Peter 2:18)
V. Saints
Submitting to Civil Government (3) New Testament Occurrences
A. Let every soul be subject unto the
higher powers (Romans 13:1-7)
B. To be ready to every good work (Titus
C. For so is the will of God... (I Peter
VI. Younger
submitting to the elder (I Peter 5:5)
A. As the elders are submissive to the
Chief Shepherd (I Peter 5:1ff)
B. Clothed with humility (I Peter 5:5)
VII. Saints
submitting to them which have the rule over you
A. Remembering them...following them
(Hebrews 13:7)
B. Obeying them...submitting yourselves
(Hebrews 13:17)
VIII. Saints
submitting to God
A. In humility (James 4:6)
B. Drawing nigh to God (James 4:8)
Biblical Principles of Authority
1. God Is The Ultimate Authority (All
Authority Proceeds from His Throne)
2. God Has Established Institutions
3. God Gave Each Institution
4. God Ordained Heads/Delegates (Pastor
Teacher/Elder/Bishop, President, Governor etc.)
5. God’s Plan is for All to be Under (1) or
More Authority at All times (Physical & Spiritual)
6. God’s Word Provides Specific
Boundaries for Each (Areas of Jurisdiction/Control)
7. God Blesses & Chastises His
People Through His Delegated Authorities
Three Arenas of Ministerial Exercising of Authority by the Saint [#1
Restoration of Foundations]
1.Internal (Mind)
a. Scripture Memory b. Scripture
2.External (Ministry to Saints)
a. Intercession b. Interaction
(Ministry to Sinners)
a. Intercession b. Interaction
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