Friday, June 27, 2014

The Daily Dose

“The Daily Dose”

     About thirty years ago, not long after the Lord saved me, I made a decision to begin practicing a plan for my Daily Dose of the Word of God. A wise old preacher told me to read the Psalm for the day and continue reading through the Psalms in a month by adding 30 to the Psalm of the Day until five Psalms are read each day.

     This simple plan set me on a course of faith-building discipleship that has paid great dividends in learning to know God and to rightly worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. In the process the Lord gave me the ability to memorize portions of each of the first 31 Psalms and put them to music so that He enables me to “sing songs and hymns and spiritual songs” throughout the day as I set my mind upon Him.

     My ”Daily Dose” begins when I awake which the Spirit supplies as I lay in bed contemplating the coming day. This practice is not new or revolutionary for if the heart is set upon “The Daily Dose” of God’s Word when retiring for the day the Lord will bring to pass the rest just as He promised:
“My son, keep they father’s Commandment, and forsake not the Law of thy mother: Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. When thou go, it shall lead thee, when thou sleep, it shall keep thee; and when thou awake it shall talk with thee. For the Commandment is a lamp and the Law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.” (Proverb 6:20-23)

     What great promises to the one who will “Bind” the promises of God upon their heart. Going they will be led, sleeping they will be kept and waking the Lord will talk with that believer who practices this simple but supernaturally profound truth of the Word of God! This in essence explains how to “Abide in Him”…24-7!!

     The following messages based upon the Psalms and the 31 simple songs that are taken from them may help you get your “Daily Dose” of the Word of God and keep it singing in your heart so that the Lord can “lead thee…keep thee…and talk with thee as you go on your way each day…for the rest of your life!

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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