Friday, June 27, 2014



 I. Israel and Judah  (Jeremiah 3)
      A. Characteristics of the Backslider (v.1,2)

          1. Gone from God (Left First Love) (v.1a)

          2. Gave Themselves to Another (Heart's Devotion) (v.1b)

          3. Greatly Polluted (Defiled, Profaned, Corrupted) (v.1c)

          4. Gone after Another (Fornication, Harlotry, Worse than the Worst Wickedness) (v.2)
       B. Consequences of Backsliding (v.3)

          1. Their Blessing is Withheld (v.3a)

          2. Their Character is Displayed (v.3b)

       C. Call to the Backslider (v.4-25)
          1. Remember I'm your Father (v.4a)

          2. Remember I'm the Guide of Your Youth (v.4b)

          3. Remember My Mercy (v.5a)

          4. Reminder of Evil Things (v.5b)

          5. Return, Repent for Blessing (v.6-25)

II. Saul, King of Israel  (Deuteronomy & I Samuel)
       A. Characteristics of the Backslider

            1. Neglecting the Word of God (Deuteronomy 17:14-20)

            2. Disobeying the Word of God (I Samuel 13:13)

            3. Rejecting the Word of God (I Samuel 15:23)

       B. Consequences of Backsliding (I Samuel 15-31)

            1. Kingdom Rent from Him (15:28)

            2. Spirit of the Lord Departs & Evil Spirit Troubles Him (16:14)

            3. Anger/Jealousy/Suspicion/Confusion/Murder/ Controls Him (18-26)

            4. Consults Witch/Commits Suicide (28-31)

III. Jonah the Prophet  (Jonah 1-4)
                                                                 Jonah's Ten Backsliding Ways
             1. Desires not to do the Will of God (1:3)                    2. Removes himself from responsibility (1:3)  

             3. Goes to personal expense to flee (1:3)                      4. Direction is continually down (1:3, 5)

             5. Enmity/prejudice against people (1:2, 4:1)               6. His chastisement is severe (1:15, 2:4)

             7. Suicidal Tendency (1:12; 4:3,8)                                8. Brings unsaved into jeopardy (1:4, 14)

             9. Anger rules their spirit (4:1)                                    10. Unstable, moody (4:1, 6, 8, 9)                     

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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