Are we
near the End of the World?
Did you know the Return of JESUS to EARTH
is the most prophesied single event in the Bible?...yes, JESUS is COMING AGAIN, and it
is HIS RETURN to earth that will begin the END OF THE WORLD as we now know it!
Jesus came the FIRST time to DIE for the
SINS of the whole world, and He is COMING AGAIN to RAPTURE His people from this
planet which is increasingly becoming filled with war and violence,
earthquakes, famines, human tragedy, fears of the future and what it holds for
We are RIGHT NOW witnessing the
fulfillment of the events Jesus said would occur before His Return. In recent
years many false religions have developed bringing with them false doctrines
which focus on the Person of Christ.
The Jehovah (false) Witnesses, the
Mormons, the Seventh Day Adventists and the Christian Science movement all have
arisen during this time. Famines have become increasingly prevalent in many
third world countries, the pestilences of AIDS, Ebola virus and the West Nile
virus are on the increase, Earthquakes also abound worldwide and are definitely
increasing in number and intensity as we rapidly move toward the End of the Age
and the Coming of Christ
These are great concerns to the majority
of thinking people today as we have just entered the new MILLENNIUM, and the
concern is justified...unless you know the God who CONTROLS the UNIVERSE, the
God who is capable of giving PEACE even in the midst of all this turmoil.
The PEACE God gives comes from knowing
that He is in CONTROL, and yes, JESUS is
COMING AGAIN and His desire is to bring that PEACE into every heart that will
receive Him as their Savior.
When JESUS Rescues His own, God will begin
a time of great, fiery JUDGMENT upon those who REMAIN. It will be like nothing
that ever occurred before in the history of the world!
But, just before His Coming, the SUN and
MOON will be darkened the STARS will fall from heaven, FIRE and BRIMSTONE like
the FIRE and BRIMSTONE which fell on Sodom and Gomorrah will bring devastating
and catastrophic DESTRUCTION worldwide as God brings to an end the world as we
know it and the climax of it all will be the horrendous battle of
ARMAGEDDON! If you are not a believer, if
you've never been born again into the family of God, you will be left behind to
face this horrendous JUDGMENT of God upon this earth!
Even though Jesus is in heaven now, He has
made a way for you to be saved through His Spirit Whom He sent, if you will
just BELIEVE on Him and REPENT of your sin, and pray and RECEIVE Him as your
His Spirit is working right now even as
you read about these important things concerning your future and ETERNAL
DESTINY! You see, God SENT this message so that He could talk to you today by
His Spirit...JESUS SAID to His disciples the night before the He went to the
Cross when I go away I will SEND the Holy Spirit to you.
He SENT His Spirit to live in the hearts
of His people and He is here right now, He can live in you, He will give you
The Holy Spirit of Jesus is here to
convict people of their SIN, and to convince them of their need for
RIGHTEOUSNESS, and remind them of the COMING JUDGMENT DAY! Would you like to RECEIVE the Lord Jesus Christ
as your Savior from SIN?
Jesus ALONE has the POWER to save you from
the PENALTY of your SIN, yes, He alone can give you the RIGHTEOUSNESS you need
to enter into heaven with God and He alone can save you from the fierce and
fiery JUDGMENT that is COMING upon those who will not BELIEVE and RECEIVE Him
as Savior!
Yes, ONLY JESUS can SAVE you from the
Eternal Torment of HELL which you will experience if you REJECT His MESSAGE
from the BIBLE and REFUSE to RECEIVE Him as your Savior!
The first step is to REALIZE you are
sinner in need of a Savior and that ONLY Jesus can save you. Then, REPENTANCE,
which is the willingness to turn from
your sinful way and turn to Jesus RELYING on Him alone, and, finally, RECEIVE
the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart by praying and asking Him to come in and
give you NEW LIFE as His Eternal Gift to
It is that simple, so please, PRAY right
now and ask JESUS to SAVE you from your sin and He will keep His promise...'For
whosoever shall CALL upon the Name of the Lord shall be SAVED'.
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